Kirk Kapital delivers strong results in turbulent year
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28.04.20212020 was, once again, a successful year for the family-owned investment company Kirk Kapital. The company’s Investment Result was DKK 486 million.
The positive development in 2020 pleases Kim Gulstad, CEO of Kirk Kapital.
“2020 has been a turbulent year, heavily impacted by the effects of Covid-19. Despite the circumstances we have delivered a great result again in 2020. The positive development is a result of both a healthy and robust operational development in our Strategic Investments and a satisfactory return within our Financial Investments,” says Kim Gulstad.
With a result of DKK 486 million, Kirk Kapital’s equity grows to DKK 5,450 million and total assets constitute DKK 6,236 million.
“Besides being pleased with this year’s result, we are proud of the successful completion of several larger transactions including the divestment of our shareholding in PNO and the acquisition of 40 pct. of the shareholding in DTE and 45 pct. of the shareholding in Danske Stenhuggerier”, says Kim Gulstad.
He also highlights that in 2020, Kirk Kapital Fondsmæglerselskab A/S was established and approved to operate as an asset management company by the Danish FSA. In total, Kirk Kapital manages approximately DKK 10 billion.
“We are now measured against the highest standards as any other professional asset manager in relation to e.g. compliance, reporting, risk adjusted returns and ESG”, says Kim Gulstad.
Read the full 2020 annual accounts here
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Morten Huse Eikrem-Jeppesen, PressConnect, +45 53 85 07 70