Kirk Kapital has just published its annual result for 2023, which shows an investment result of DKK 1.2 billion and equity value that now stands at DKK 9 billion. This means that Kirk Kapital is stronger than ever, according to Kim Gulstad CEO of Kirk Kapital.
“Here at Kirk Kapital, we have just published our results for 2023 – and once again this year there is much to be pleased about. Yet another year with a great investment resulte, this time of DKK 1.2 billion. This brings our equity value to more than DKK 9 billion. This excellent result is based on both our Strategic Investments and our Financial Investments. The result is not just a sign of our ability to navigate a challenging market, but also of the trust and commitment shown in us by our partners, advisors and employees,” says Kim Gulstad.
He explains that this year’s results reflect Kirk Kapital’s focus on both Strategic and Financial Investments, which together have contributed to a robust investment performance despite high inflation and rising global interest rates.
“Our Strategic Investments, including the acquisition of PR electronics and the divestment of Tacton, underline our ability to invest in exciting companies, contribute to successful development through active ownership, and then divest when it makes sense,” explains Kim Gulstad, who continues:
“At the same time, our Financial Investments have benefited from the general positive market developments, resulting in excellent results across the portfolios.”
During the year, Kirk Kapital has also taken important steps on the ESG front.
“As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, we are proud of the progress we have made in terms of ESG. It is an integral part of our strategy and reflects our commitment to running a responsible business,” says Kim Gulstad.
About Kirk Kapital
Kirk Kapital is a family-owned investment company owned by the Kirk Johansen family, descendants of LEGO founder Ole Kirk Christiansen. At the end of 2023, Kirk Kapital managed approximately DKK 19.6 billion, of which DKK 9.6 billion is managed on behalf of its clients, with Kirk Kapital as outsourced CIO. Kirk Kapital holds both Strategic Investments and Financial Investments. Within the Strategic Investments, Kirk Kapital is an active long-term owner with larger minority stakes. The portfolio consisted of 16 companies at the end of 2023: Beck Pack Systems, Conrum, Cookie Information, Dansk Træemballage, Ellepot, European Stonecraft, Ferrosan Medical Devices, Globeteam, KOMPAN, PR electronics, Promon, Scanmetals, TITAN Containers, TP Aerospace, TPS Rental Systems and VivoMega.
Read the Annual Report & ESG Report 2023 here