Change in Kirk Kapital Board of Directors

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Casper Kirk Johansen returns to the position as Chairman of the board of Kirk Kapital. Jens Moberg and Peter Beske Nielsen joins the board.


Jens Moberg is currently Chairman of the board of Grundfos and member of the Poul Due Jensens Fond among other positions, whilst Peter Beske Nielsen for a number of years has held several positions in Blackrock, most recently as responsible for Blackrock’s global customer strategy within alternative investments.


“I am happy and proud that we can attract capacities such as Jens Moberg and Peter Beske Nielsen to the board of Kirk Kapital, and I look forward to the collaboration in the years to come,” says Casper Kirk Johansen in relation to the board changes.


Looking forward, Kirk Kapital’s Board of Directors will consist of Casper Kirk Johansen, Jens Moberg, Peter Beske Nielsen and Birgitte Nielsen.


Bjarne Graven Larsen will on the same occasion resign from the board. Bjarne Graven Larsen chooses to resign from the board based on a wish to focus more on other activities including QBlue where Bjarne Graven Larsen is CEO and owner.


“I would like to thank Bjarne Graven Larsen for his positive contribution to the board work in Kirk Kapital throughout the latest years, and I fully understand his priorities,” says Casper Kirk Johansen.


Contact information

Morten Huse Eikrem-Jeppesen, PressConnect for Kirk Kapital, 53 85 07 70