New CEO appointed

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Kirk Kapital carries out a planned change of CEO, appointing Kim Gulstad as the new CEO

The Board of Directors and shareholders of Kirk Kapital have wanted to implement a change of ownership and ensure that Kirk Kapital has a management that lasts for many years. Therefore, the Board of Directors has sought and found a replacement for CEO Bjarne Ammitzbøll.

“We have been very pleased with Bjarne and his great efforts as CEO of Kirk Kapital for 10 years. He has been a part of the company since we founded Kirk Kapital A/S and has been a very important person in the company’s development both regarding the investments and the organization but also in his role as a close contact person to the Kirk Johansen family and we thank Bjarne for the good cooperation”, says the Chairman of Kirk Kapital, Casper Kirk Johansen.

The new CEO will be Kim Gulstad, who comes with a strong investment background from Nordic Capital, recently as a partner and head of Nordic Capital Norway.

Bjarne Ammitzbøll has wished to resign by the end the end of April, and the change of management will thus be carried out 1 May 2017.

Contact details

Morten Jeppesen, PressConnect for Kirk Kapital, +45 53 85 07 70