Parking garage at Havneøen ready early 2021

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At the beginning of 2021, the new parking garage will be finalised at Vejle Havn, where there will be approximately 300 parking spaces across two levels. The parking garage can be used by both locals, tourists, residents of Havneøen as well as employees and visitors to Fjordenhus.

The parking garage will be built with a wide sidewalk in front of Svejsebassinet to ensure good visibility for entrances and exits. At the same time, stone beds with seating will be established. The upper deck of the parking garage will be approximately 2 meters lower than the ground floor apartments in Kanaltårnene, so that the view is not disturbed. At the same time, the facade of the parking garage will be built with bricks in patterns, similar to the style of the other buildings on the habour.


There will be an option of monthly payments for most of the spots. Prices will be different depending on whether you choose to park in the closed or open part of the parking garage.


The contractor company K.G. Hansen & Sønner A / S from Grindsted will carry out the construction, which will start on April 16, 2020.


“We have already received the first inquiries about rental possibilities, and with the construction of the parking garage, Kirk Kapital has taken yet another important step in completing our areas on and at Havneøen in Vejæe, and at the same time securing parking spaces for the areas and Kirk Kapital, the residents of Fjordenhus, visitors and tourists. We have had approx. 400.000 guests in Fjordenhus, since the inauguration”, says Kim Gulstad, CEO of Kirk Kapital, who oversees the project of building the parking garage.


Contact details

Morten Huse Eikrem-Jeppesen, PressConnect for Kirk Kapital, +45 53 85 07 70